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QR Codes on Visiting Cards: A Quick Guide


How many visiting cards have you picked up, only to toss them aside or lose them within days? Now, if only there was a way where you never lose a card again, and better yet, one that keeps you connected far beyond the first meeting. Digital QR code visiting cards make that dream a reality.

Digital visiting cards with QR codes are a solution to all the shortcomings of paper cards.

They live on your phone, easily accessible, and never limited by the size of the card or the amount of text you can cram into it. For example, Profyle’s QR code-driven cards let you pack in everything you want: your portfolio, website links, social media profiles, even videos.

A digital business card with a QR code from Profyle

Instead of being just a name and a number, you become a dynamic, living persona in the eyes of your contacts. Someone who they can and want to contact with a simple tap.

A woman scanning a QR code

How to Create a QR Code Visiting Card: Step by Step

One of the biggest reasons QR code visiting cards have gained popularity is their simplicity.

All you have to do is a single tap, and your contact is instantly connected to your profile. Here’s how you can create one too:

Step 1: Sign Up on Profyle

The first step is to create an account on Profyle. You can visit the Profyle registration page and sign up for free. All you need is your email address and a few basic details. Signing up takes just a few minutes, and you’ll be on your way to creating a professional digital business card.

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be directed to your personal dashboard. This is where you’ll manage all aspects of your digital card—customising your profile, uploading media, and, most importantly, generating your QR code.

Step 2: Create Your Profile

After signing up, it’s time to start building your profile. Profyle allows you to create a business card that includes much more than just your name and phone number. You can add:

  • Personal information like your name, job title, and contact details.
  • Social media links to platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter.
  • Website or portfolio links, so people can see your work directly.
  • Images like a professional headshot or company logo.
  • Videos for introductions or product demonstrations, which make your profile even more engaging.

Here's how to make your digital business card truly stunning

Profyle’s intuitive interface makes it easy to add or edit these details, and you can customise the look of your card to match your brand. You can choose colours, fonts, and layouts that fit your personal or company style.

Step 3: Use Your QR Code

Once your profile is set up, it’s time to use the QR code that will link to it. This is one of Profyle’s standout features, as it is created automatically. Your QR code will act as a direct gateway to your digital card — anyone who scans it with their smartphone will be taken straight to your profile page.

Profyle digital business card

The QR code is available right in your profile, so you can always easily access it. Profyle offers two variants of the QR code: online and offline versions (say, in the case your device does not have mobile data enabled).

Step 4: Customise and Share

One of the best features of Profyle is that it allows you to fully customise your digital card to suit different situations. Here’s how you can make sure your card leaves the best impression:

  • Add the final touch to your branding: Check if your company logo is just right. Choose the final colours that represent your brand. Make your digital card the best it can be.
  • Tailor your content and create different variants: You can adjust what appears on your profile depending on who you’re sharing it with. For example, if you’re at a job fair, you might want to highlight your portfolio. At a client meeting, you could focus on testimonials and project successes.
  • Share the QR code: You can easily share the QR code through multiple channels. Send it by email, include it in your presentations, or display it at events for quick scanning. You can even add it to printed materials like flyers or posters if you’re attending a physical event.


An image of an old tree

Why Adding a QR Code to a Paper Card Does Not Work

For years, traditional visiting cards have been a staple of networking. Whether at a job fair, conference, or casual meeting, handing someone your card has long been the go-to move to make connections. But let’s be honest — how many of those cards are ever truly memorable? They either sit in piles on desks, gather dust in drawers, or even worse, get tossed in the bin before the end of the day.

Limited Space and Relevance

As much as we may love our own cards, others may not value them as much. Because paper business cards are limited, both in space and relevance. You’ve probably received cards that had nothing more than a name and contact information — static, basic, and easy to forget. Not to mention, they’re often lost or discarded before you ever follow up.

Titles change, phone numbers are updated, email addresses get replaced—suddenly, that little piece of paper in your hand is outdated. Every time your details change, you have to reprint a whole new stack of cards, which wastes time, money, and resources.

You can only fit so much information onto a small 3.5 x 2-inch card before it starts looking cluttered.

Missed Opportunities

But that’s not the worst of it. The real loss is the missed opportunities. People forget paper cards. There’s no lasting engagement. There’s no digital trace to remind someone who you are or what you offer. The card sits alone without context or additional information.

Your goal is to stay memorable, to stand out among the crowd — and traditional visiting cards just don’t cut it any more.

A New Level of Convenience

Think about the last time you ran out of business cards at a networking event. Awkward, wasn’t it? You likely scrambled to exchange emails or jot down phone numbers, hoping that the person would remember to reach out.

An example of digital business card app with a NFC card with red branding.

With a Profyle digital card, you’ll never run out. Your card is always with you, on your phone, ready to be shared at a moment’s notice. Plus, you can get a physical NFC card to use in addition to your phone. QR codes eliminate the friction of manually entering contact information — one quick scan and your details are saved directly to the other person’s device.

This immediate exchange not only saves time but also leaves a lasting impression. It’s smooth, professional, and shows that you are tech-savvy — qualities that set you apart in a competitive market.


The Hidden Costs of Paper Cards

A visiting card is small, right? But the impact of thousands of these cards being printed, updated, and discarded is far from insignificant.

When you hold a paper card, you probably don’t think about all the invisible costs that come with it. Most people only consider the immediate expense — paying the printer to produce a few hundred copies of their contact details. But what about the hidden costs? What about the impact on:

  • your wallet,
  • your brand,
  • and even the environment?

Ask yourself – what you’re really paying for when you stick to traditional paper cards, and why switching to a digital alternative like Profyle might be the smarter choice.

Wasted Time and Money on Reprints

According to estimates, businesses spend anywhere between £20 and £200 on every reprint, depending on the design, quantity, and printing quality​. That all adds up if you have a larger team or use your cards proactively. With Profyle’s digital cards, you can say goodbye to those endless reprints. Once your details are updated in the digital card, your QR code always leads to the most current version of your profile—no extra printing required.

Environmental Impact: The Silent Cost

Every time you order new paper cards, you’re not just impacting your own wallet. You’re also impacting the planet. The environmental cost of paper cards goes far beyond the trees used to make the paper. According to some estimates, the paper industry is one of the largest industrial users of energy​. Deforestation is also a leading cause of environmental degradation. Profyle offers an eco-friendly digital alternative to just adding a QR code to a paper card, avoiding most of the environmental impact.

Brand Image: Looking Forward, Not Back

A paper visiting card, with or without a QR code, sends the same message about your brand. A digital card, a completely different one. Shows that you’re forward-thinking and ready for the future.

The additional hidden costs of paper cards are many, and they add up quickly. The question isn’t whether you can afford to switch to a digital card — it’s whether you can afford not to. Ready to cut your business costs and your carbon footprint? Start your free Profyle Card trial today!

FAQ: QR Codes on Visiting Cards Using Profyle

How do I create a QR code for my visiting card?

Creating a QR code for your visiting card using Profyle is straightforward and adds a professional touch to your networking tools. Here’s how:

  1. Sign up for a Profyle account at Profyle’s website. It’s quick and free to start.
  2. Once logged in, fill out your profile with details you want to share via your QR code—like your contact info, links to social media, or your professional portfolio.
  3. Profyle automatically generates a QR code for your complete profile. You can preview and customize it if needed.
  4. Download the QR code and integrate it into your digital or printed visiting cards.

Using Profyle not only simplifies creating a QR code but ensures it remains up-to-date and easily accessible, enhancing your professional image.

How do I get a QR code for my visiting card?

Obtaining a QR code with Profyle involves creating a dynamic digital business card that stays current with your latest information. After you sign up and customize your profile on Profyle, the platform generates a QR code linked directly to your profile. This QR code can be added to digital or traditional business cards, providing a seamless way for contacts to access your comprehensive professional details with a single scan.

Should I put a QR code on my visiting card?

Absolutely! Adding a QR code to your business card using Profyle enhances your networking efficiency. A QR code makes your card interactive, providing instant access to your full professional profile, multimedia content, and up-to-date contact information. This modern approach ensures you stand out, making it easier for contacts to remember and reach you without the hassle of typing URLs.

Do QR codes expire?

QR codes generated through Profyle do not expire. The QR code will remain functional as long as the link it encodes is active. Since Profyle hosts your digital business card, any updates you make are automatically reflected without needing to regenerate or redistribute your QR code. This feature saves time and resources, keeping your networking tools efficient and eco-friendly.



Sign up for our free 45-day trial and experience the future of networking today. Embrace efficiency, embrace sustainability, embrace the future with Profyle Card.

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