Custom Fields

The Custom Fields section allows you to manage all custom fields.

  • A Custom Field iss only used within a downloadable vCard.
  • Can only be created at a company level within the enterprise portal by the admin user.
  • Will appear on each user’s personal details Profyle where they can enter their own unique information 


Custom Fields

  • How do I create a custom field for a vCARD ?

    A custom field can be created from the Custom fields Section of the enterprise portal, it can only be applied to a vCard.

    And will be applied at a “Company” Account level within the Admin Portal by the admin user 

    Once created the Custom field will appear on each user’s personal details profyle where they can enter their own unique information


    *vCard is a standard data interchange format used in mobile devices as displayed in phone contacts. It is also used within customer relationship management systems (CRMs).

    First Click on the “+ New Custom field” Button in the top right hand side of the custom fields table 

    This will open the create custom field details page

    Once you have entered the required information and click “save” button the new custom field will be created

    You can choose to add the full information within the custom fields or you can leave them blank for each individual to add in their personal information,  

    you can also select to hide the field if data is not entered.

    Once you have clicked “save” button the custom field will be created and you will see the new field added to the bottom of the table

    If you navigate to a person’s detailed profyle you will see this field has now been added to all profyles within the company.

  • What is a vCARD ?

    vCard is a standard data interchange format used in mobile devices (as displayed in phone contacts) and used within customer relationship management systems (CRMs) to allow quick and easy sharing of digital business cards

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