
The Groups section allows you to manage all groups created in your account. A group is used to assign people within your organisations into “departments” or “roles” that can have different online profyle layouts e.g your sales team may have additional sales related brochures or videos on their online profyles that are different from everyone else this includes:

  • Creating a New Group
  • Assigning a Group a custom layout
  • Naming or re-naming your Groups
  • Deleting a Group



  • How do I create a new Group ?

    The groups page allows you to create groups, you can then add people into the group based on their departments, role or brands within the organisation. 

    You can assign different Profyle styles and layouts to each group perfect for when you need different look and feel or information based on people’s role such as; engineering, technical sales, commercial sales, purchasing, finance or C-Suite Directors

    You can create a new group from the Groups Section found on the main menu left hand side of the screen.

    First “Click on the “+ NEW GROUP” Button found in the top left corner of the page

    This will open the Create a New group page where you can enter the Groups name for example “Sales Team” and select the layout to use for that group.

    You can only select layouts you have already created, this will be “default” as standard

    Once you have selected the Layout from the drop down menu option

    You will need to “click” the “Save” Button (or cancel)

    The page will “close “ and you will be taken back to the Groups Page where you can now see the name of the group you have just created within the list view

    You can also see the Layout selected displayed on the line item.

  • Assigning a custom layout to a Group ?

    You can select a custom layout to use for each specific group within your organisation. 

    You will need to first create a custom layout before assigning it to a group.

    Custom layouts can be slight tweaks to the default layout or can be completely different branded versions with different colours, layouts and styles for example;

    • Brands within your Parent company
    • Organisational Groups
    • Departments
    • Roles

    This provides the flexibility to have different content for different teams e.g your sales teams may need sales related brochures and videos added to their online profyle pages, whereas internal teams may need a standard business card format.

  • Naming or Renaming a Group ?

    You can change the name of a Group from the Groups Section

    First find the group name in the list view and click anywhere on the line item

    The Edit Group page will open, for the specific group you clicked on

    You can now click into the Group name field and delete the old text and enter new text

    Click the "Save" Button for these changes to be made

  • Deleting a Group ?

    A Group can be deleted at any time from the "Groups Section" please note this will be a permanent change and will remove all people from the Group and reset their profyle layout if a different one was used by this Group.

    First find the Group name within the list view on the Groups section, if you look along the line item you will see the "Delete" Icon on the right hand side, shaped like a "Bin"

    Click on the "Delete" Icon

    Your device will prompt you "are you sure you want to delete this group" as this is a permanent delete and cant be undone.

    Click "OK" and the Group will be deleted

    You will see a prompt confirming the delete in the bottom right hand corner of the screen

    the group will have been removed from the Group List view displayed in the Groups Section.

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