
This section lets you manage all Profyle layouts including:

  • Designing the look and feel of your default layout
  • Editing the default layout style and content
  • Creating Custom Layouts for specific departments, teams or people
  • Editing Custom Layouts
  • Deleting Custom Layouts
  • Choosing Layout Colours
  • Adding Hero Images
  • Adding Hero Videos
  • Adding and Removing Buttons
  • Updating the Company Logo
  • Updating default Avatar image (for users that have not uploaded personal Profyle photos)



  • Buttons Tab

    The Buttons page is where you can fully customise the “Buttons” that appear at the bottom of your online digital profyle Layout.

    You can ;

    • add as many buttons as you would like
    • use the correct Logos - we have created drop downs for the most common sites used, so they can use the correct logos and have been designed to look professional 
    • Change the size of the buttons
    • Add a unique URL link to each button that opens when "clicked"

    Most commonly used buttons are linked in, social accounts such as twitter and facebook, but we also offer buttons that can be used to book appointments using calendar plugins, email me now action button and a call me now telephone button

    These can all be created and configured directly from the Buttons Tab 

    Note you may need to scroll down using the browse scroll bar to see all of the options.
    You can also see a live preview of an example online digital profyle on the right hand side, this will change in real time as you make changes to preview how this will look, making it very easy to tweak your design.

  • What is the “Default” Layout

    When your companies account was first registered with Profyle Card a “Default” Layout was created, all people’s online profyle’s will use this layout as default this is fine and can be used.

    for companies that need different designed Profyle Cards for different parts of their organisations, different teams or groups of individuals then you have the option to create new layouts for these “Groups” these are called custom layouts

  • What is a Custom Layout ?

    for companies that need different designed Profyle Cards for different parts of their organisations, different teams or groups of individuals then you have the option to create new layouts for these "Groups" these are called custom layouts 

    Custom layout can be tweaked slightly from the default layout e.g additional content added, such as sales related brochures and videos for customer facing teams OR can be created with completely different branding, colours and style guide.


    • When a default layout is created it will use the default template as an initial style guide
    • Once created a custom layout is no longer linked to the default layout, as such any changes will need to be updated specifically for each layout.
    • For the layout to be used you first need to
      • Assign it to a Group from the Groups Section
      • People then need to be assigned into that group from the People Section.
    • A person cant be assigned a custom layout directly.
  • How do I create a new custom layout ?

    The first time you open the Layouts Section it will contain the default layout currently used for all company profyle layouts (this is created automatically using our super smart AI bot during the registration process).

    To create a new layout click on the “+ NEW LAYOUT” Button

    First enter the name for the new layout

    Then click the “save” button (or cancel)

    The New layout will be created and will be opened in edit mode for you to make any changes. Please note the layout is created from the default layout as a snapshot in time.

    You will also be prompted that the layout was successfully created

    To return to the layouts page, click on the layout menu option on the left hand side main menu

    You will now see there are 2 profyle layouts: the Default layout and the new layout

  • How do I change the colour of a Profyle Layout ?

    First navigate to the layouts page and click on the layout that you want to edit

    This will open the edit layout page, next click on the “Colours” Tab

    The Colours page is used to change the colours of the key areas on your digital layout.

    the following options are available;

    Primary Colour is the main colour to use on the call to action buttons, (Note: it is important to have a high contrast with the secondary colour to act as a highlight)

    • Download my contact details
    • Visit Website

    Secondary colour is the main background colour for your actual digital profyle card

    Background colour is the colour that the digital profyle card sits on, it is important to ensure a contrast between the background and the secondary colour.

    Bottom Bar can be edited separately, this allows you to have this either integrated into your background Or if your main company website is important then this can be a high contrast colour with the primary “call to action colour

    Foreground (text) colour allows you to change the colour of the text used on the layout. Please note this is currently a single colour option.

  • How do I add a hero image to a Profyle Layout ?

    The hero image page can be used to add additional images to your online Profyle that contain a hyperlink to a chosen (URL) online content to take a customer directly to a key piece of information; e.g. a specific product page, a particular article about your business, a promotional sales offer or even a detailed technical sales brochure

    To add a hero image first click “Choose File” Button

    This will open your devices file upload menu, from here you can select a file saved on your computer or mobile device. Once selected the image will update automatically and you will see a prompt that the file has been saved.

    Next add or update the “Title” the Subtitle displayed on a small banner at the bottom of the image, and the link URL that is used when a user clicks on the image, this can also be seen on the preview on the right hand side

    Remember to check the “Enabled” option has been selected for the hero image to be included on the digital profyle, 

    This can be enabled or disabled by clicking on the tick box

  • How do I create different profyle layouts for different people within my organisation ?

    It is possible to create custom layouts and use these for different people but you always need to create a Group first even if there is only a single person in that Group as Layouts can be applied to Groups not individuals. 

    To do this you will need to

    • Create a new layout from the Layouts Section
    • Create a new group from the Groups Section, selecting the new layout from the drop down option.
    • Add people into the group from the People Section

  • How do I assign a new layout to a Group ?

    Once you have created a new custom layout, you can assign this to a group from the Groups Section. 

    First you will need to create the group, when creating a new group there is a drop down menu where you can select the layout to use

    Click the Groups option in the main menu on the left hand side of the screen

    This will open the Groups page.

    Clicking anywhere on the “line item” in the table (except the “Bin” Icon) will open the edit group menu where you can select the layout to use for this specific group

    On the Edit Group page “Clicking” in the Layout drop down menu will display the current layouts already created and you can select the layout to use 

    You will need to click the “Save” Button for the change to be applied

    You will now see that the group line item has been updated 

    You will also see a prompt in the bottom left hand corner to confirm the change has been saved

  • How do I assign a person to a group with a new layout ?

    To assign a person to a group you need to use the People Section 

    First "click" on “People Section" on the main menu, on the left hand side of the screen

    This will open the people page where you will see a table view of all the people in your organisation. “Useful Tip” you can search for a specific person using the search Icon in the top right hand corner of the top bar 

    First select the people you want to add to the new group, using the selection box option on the left side of the person’s profyle picture

    With the people selected you can now click on the “Move to group” from the action button on the top right hand side of the page and select the required group to add the people into

    The “move button” will now highlight in colour, clicking the “Move Button” will save the change

    The “Group name” tab will now be created an will open

    you can now see the person has been moved into the group

    You can change the Group to view using the different tabs, the options are “View All” or view people by the specific groups you have created

    when you open the person's “Profyle” preview you will now see that the Groups unique layout is being used on their personal profyle.

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